
"Sorting Libraries Out" seeks to build upon the discussions that occurred at the Making Meaning Symposium that took place in Edmonton in February 2018 and the In Our Own Words summit that took place in Toronto in June 2018. Through speaker presentations and focused time for group conversations, participants will engage with questions and generate ideas about changing current practices to more accurately represent Indigenous knowledge systems, worldviews and cultures.

Western Canadian Indigenous cultural heritage workers, Indigenous researchers, Indigenous information professionals and Indigenous scholars will be particularly interested in this event and should be encouraged to attend. Indigenous and non-Indigenous graduate students, academic/public/school librarians, museum curators, archivists and records managers who work closely with Indigenous metadata and knowledge organization systems should also be encouraged to attend. The event will focus on Western Canadian contexts but delegates from other areas of Canada are welcome to attend.  Participants will leave with a broader perspective on respectfully working with Canadian Indigenous Peoples towards a shared goal of indigenizing and decolonizing metadata.